Policies and Disclosures

I am all about transparency so you trust that I will keep your date safe and secure as that’s super important, right?

I’ll explain more about the affiliate marketing notices you may have seen and reassure you it won’t cost you a penny.

GDPR/Privacy Policy


User privacy and data protection are human rights. Data is a liability, and should only be collected and processed when necessary. I’ll never sell, rent or otherwise distribute or make public your personal information. 


I comply with the following national and international legislation with regards to data protection and user privacy: UK Data Protection Act 1988 (DPA) EU Data Protection Directive 1995 (DPD) EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR)


If you provide me with personal information, this will only be used to communicate with you. Any personal information you share will be kept private and can be removed from my records on your request.
Your personal information will not be added to my mailing list without specific consent from you. You will not be contacted for marketing or advertising purposes unless you request me to do so.


I use third parties (see below) to process personal data on my behalf. This includes but is not limited to use of affiliate links, my website host and my mailing list.

Cookies may be used for the automated decision-making by affiliated companies and this may include profiling and gathering meaningful information. This includes cookies tracking a link if you make a purchase through any affiliate sites, which can last up to 30 days.

If you choose to subscribe to my newsletter, download materials or buy a recommended product, your data may be shared for compliance with legal, regulatory and law enforcement requests as appropriate and necessary.

I will endeavour to notify you of any such requests. I am not responsible for how third parties process your data. Please visit their websites to read their privacy policies. 


Your data is secured, stored and retained via Squarespace, Mailerlite and any companies you make a purchase from via affiliate links (see below), as appropriate. They do not hold hard copies of your data and any data collected is held only as long as necessary to maintain adequate and accurate business and financial records (7 years). 

If given to me, I will personally store your name, address and email address on secure documents on a personal, password protected laptop for my own records for such a time as I might need them. 


Cookies are small pieces of data that websites store on a device. Cookies can improve your browsing experience by helping a website remember your preferences and how you use different features.

Squarespace uses some necessary cookies as they allow visitors to navigate and use key features. Functional and Required Cookies help ensure that an account, shopping cart and url clicks work properly.

Squarespace use Analytics and Performance cookies to collect information on my behalf to show me how visitors interact with my site. This helps me improve the services and features that I offer.

By law Squarespace is required to inform visitors to my site by using a cookie notice. This allows them to consent to the use of cookies whilst browsing my site. This notice will appear at the bottom of each page.


You have the right to access, update or ask me to delete your personal information. Please email me at strengthoftears@gmail.com if you would like to request this. I’m obliged by law to provide this service within 30 calendar days of your request, free of charge. However, I have the right to refuse or charge for requests that are manifestly unfounded or excessive and repetitive. 


I will report any unlawful data breach to any and all relevant persons within 72 hours of the breach, if it’s apparent that personal data stored in an identifiable manner has been stolen.
If you feel your data has been compromised, you have a right to contact the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). 


Laura McKee is your Data Controller. Your data is registered at my operating office: Strength Of Tears, Carfax, Rectory Lane, Ashington, West Sussex, RH20 3AS.  Email: strengthoftears@gmail.com 


This privacy policy may change from time to time in line with legislation or industry developments. I do not have to notify you explicitly, so I recommend checking this page for any policy changes. 


If you decide to make a purchase through an affiliate link (see full disclosure below) both sites will control your data for the purposes and means of processing any purchases.

I am not responsible for how third parties process your data. Please visit their websites to read their privacy policies. I have responsibility to ensure you are aware of affiliate links where used on my website. Once you’ve clicked a link to another website, I am not responsible for how they process your data. Please read their privacy policies. 

Where your data is used, for example to show me which links are converting into sales, I will only hold your data long enough to see which services and products interest you. This will be stored in the same manner as all other data I control.
Your data from activity and purchases once you clicked a link to another website will be the responsibility of that respective party. Please see their GDPR or privacy policies for how they use your data.

As with all of your data, the information you provide is your choice and you can request any information that I hold as your data controller and my responsibilities are determined by the laws stated in this policy.


You will only be added to my mailing list if you ‘consent’ to receive occasional news and marketing emails from me. If you choose to join my email newsletter, the email address that you submit will be forwarded to Mailerlite who provide my email marketing services. Mailerlite is a third party data processor, in this instance. 

The email address that you submit for purposes of newsletter sign up, will not be stored as hard copy and will never be shared. Your email address will remain within Mailerlite’s database for as long as I continue to use Mailerlite’s services for email marketing or until you specifically request removal from the list. 

You can do this easily by unsubscribing using the link contained in any email newsletters that I send you or by requesting removal via email. When requesting removal via email, please send your email to me using the email account that is subscribed to the mailing list. 

If you are under 16 years of age you MUST obtain parental consent before joining my email newsletter. Whilst your email address remains within the Mailerlite database, you will receive occasional newsletters when I have something to share or let you know about.


Affiliate Disclosures

In the interest of transparency I am letting you know that I use affiliate links on this website. These links are where I have signed up with a brand or business to recommend their products to you.

If you go on to purchase something using one of these links I’ll receive a small commission. You will not be charged extra, and you’ll keep me supplied in things to create with so I don’t have a blog post rant.
It’s a win for everyone, really.

Anywhere I use a link to an affiliate product you’ll see this message: 🔗Disclaimer this blog post/page contains affiliate links and any purchases made through such links will result in a small reward for me and my crafting habits. Oh and there’s some free recommendations too, Im nice like that.

I only ever recommend products or brands that I have used and believe could be a valuable item for the mums with chronic illness who visit my website. I do not receive any free products to endorse.

The resources or services I recommend may be shown as an image linked to products on my resources page. On my blog posts they will be links highlighted within the text. Therefore please assume all links to products are from an affiliate programme.

What Programmes am I linked with?

I am a member of the service directory provided by Awin, which connects businesses with publishers. Each business has their own affiliate program, connecting with publishers suitable to their brand and marketplace. This means that I earn a small commission on any purchases made through links on my site.