All tagged coping with stress

My Breakthrough To Protect My Sensitive Mind Using Emotional Vulnerability

Pushing down our feelings leads to explosive interactions as, just like the weather, we have no control over how it affects our daily lives. My emotional responses as a highly sensitive person or Empath meant I needed to set boundaries with myself and others. This allowed me to have emotional vulnerability, on the path to understanding my emotions. I developed a plan for coping with my responses to big feelings, whether this was negative or positive.

The Surprising Benefits Meditation Can Have On Your Well-being

Whether you’ve never thought about it or have a love-hate relationship with Meditation, you’d be surprised at the benefits of meditation on your well-being if you give it a chance. As a meditation lover, I’m here to answer your questions, bust some myths and set you up with a mindset for finding a meditation head space.

My own experience with medication started when a friend reached out when nothing helped my constant pain and resulting stress. Meditation changed that and now people want to know my secret. Meditation could help you reclaim success in your health, parenting, sleep, or work-life balance. Whatever’s important for you to get control of, meditation can help. So why wait? Find out what benefits you could get from just a few minutes a day.