
Hi, I'm Laura Strength Of Tears Mum

I've lived with Chronic Migraine and Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH) since 2014. I’ve also had to manage Anxiety for many years.

I was a Primary School Teacher, Early Years Specialist and Mentor before I became disabled and mostly bed-bound from cruel and constant pain.

I share my experiences and provide tools and strategies to help Mums manage their live with invisible illnesses.

The Surprising Benefits Meditation Can Have On Your Well-being

The Surprising Benefits Meditation Can Have On Your Well-being

Chronic Illness, Pain or Stress To Meditation and Bliss!

Whether you’ve never given a thought to it or have a love-hate relationship with Meditation, you’ll be surprised at the benefits meditation can have on your well-being if you give it a chance.

🔗Disclaimer this blog post contains affiliate links and any purchases made through such links will result in a small reward for me and my crafting habits. Oh and there’s some free recommendations too, Im nice like that.

So as a meditation lover, I’m here to answer your questions, bust some myths, let you in on some surprising benefits and set you up with a mindset for finding a meditation headspace. If you're intrigued about these benefits then check out the amazing Dr Deepak Chokra.

My own experience with medication started when a friend reached out when nothing helped my constant pain and resulting stress. Meditation changed that and now people want to know my secret.

So this article will has my top tips for using meditation to relieve agony from chronic pain or illnesses and help you get you a few minutes bliss every day and I'm offering a meditation guide download for you which you can get by signing up here for all my free resources.

But first, what coping strategies do you already use for chronic illness, pain and/or mental health conditions? Could you adapt them by adding meditation for improved wellbeing? Read on to find out more.

My Own Journey To Using Meditation for Chronic Pain and Anxiety

When my migraine became chronic, I was chatting to a fellow migraine warrior about it affecting my sleep and stress levels and she sent me links to two guided meditations. So I'm paying that kindness forward.

Try them here:

Healing Light Energy Full Body Scan - The Honest Guys

Guided Meditation for Anxiety and Stress - Beginners - Jason Stephenson

It was so easy to follow the instructions for the body scan so I got comfortable, switched off my phone and pressed play. The gentle music calmed me instantly and the guide's voices didn't annoy me, which was a win.

I’d tried meditation in Yoga classes before and even at a teacher conference once, yep really. But I loved how this meditation made me feel so the next day I did the longer meditation and I was hooked.

If you get hooked too then I recommend these meditation more substantial audio downloads to have anytime

Elements -The Collection By The Honest Guys

Sleep In Peace -Guided Meditation By Jason Stephenson

Why these meditations had an impact on me.

  1. They were accessible and I wasn't asked to empty my mind or chant 'om’ in the lotus position.

  2. Listening to calming music through my headphones helped me to block out noise for a bit.

  3. I found the voices calming when friends had said many Youtube meditations were annoying.

  4. After a few weeks I felt less tension, had a few more lower pain days and better sleep.

  5. I learnt a few different breathing techniques so when I had anxiety attacks, I coped better.

Meditation is now a huge part of my physical and mental well-being and top of my self care routine. So I want to share my story so I might help any frazzled mums (or anyone reading) who's in pain and/or lacking sleep.

Some of you may be doubting that this is for you? Some of you get it already so what's the point? Well I haven't even got to the juicy bits yet so wherever you're at, read on for ways meditation could empower you!

Also, I'm telling you now about my free download of the best guided meditations in my opinion, which will save you doing all the hours of research I have. Grab yours by scrolling down and signing up to my newsletter.

A line of lit candles are in a dark room to encourage an atmosphere for meditation

5 Reasons For Using Meditation To Reclaim Your Success

I'm glad to see you here, thanks. I'm sharing how meditation can help you reclaim success in your health, parenting, sleep, or work-life balance. Whatever’s important for you to get control of, meditation can help.

Firstly, we all have different lifestyles and meditation is personal to you as a beginner, a busy mum, someone living in pain, a returner or something else. So please leave any “But, I can't …’ excuses here and dive in.

Why? Well you need to leave negativity behind to access that thing you're craving. However this isn't a magic cure so don't expect miracles either. You do need to some work in, but you always have a guiding hand.

I use what I've learnt from practising meditation techniques without even thinking about it these days. I've even taught my son's some of the things I've learnt, such as positive self talk or breathing techniques.

**However I need to make it very clear that meditation is not a cure and that it's your responsibility to check with a Doctor if it's okay for you to meditate. i can't offer any medical advice..

The 5 Steps To Successful Meditation

  1. Reflect

    During a moment of quiet, reflect on the day ahead or the one just gone. Make the time to think of your long and short term goals and visualise your big dreams so you know where you are.

    Wherever you find yourself, it's your own path, so it's fine but these things help us connect with our day, environment and lifestyle. Just remember you can't control everything or do it all now.

  2. Consider

    We have access to news, emails, social media and more. 24 hours a day. We drive when we could walk, work late and have screens on before bed. All affecting our sleep and relationships.

    Take some time to consider whether you’ve planned time to rest, exercise and eat healthily. Consider what you could do to help you with your own well-being and in close relationships.

  3. Remember

    Remember the magical moments we had as children? I know that's not how we all feel, but I'd hope that's what we want for our children. Meditation can help you address past events safely.

    It's so important to make time to talk with our partners and/or family about our day and theirs, even when we feel awful. Showing you care enough to ask will help build trust and respect.

  4. Hidden Stress

    The need for visible success in every aspect of life can easily creep in unnoticed. Comparing our lives to the portrayals of others filling our newsfeeds often brings hidden stress to our lives.

    We can become overwhelmed with no warning and sneaky stresses explode. We need to focus on ourselves, so we can avoid burning out, for our loved ones and for ourselves. 

  5. Headspace

I think about my brain a lot, with the constant pain and that so when I was researching for this blog, I discovered that "The brain is constantly making new connections and breaking old ones".

Obviously, I knew that the brain is complex but it showed me how important it is to keep that grey matter healthy. In reality, we’ll all have a limit before information overload lets stress or anxiety in.

Meditation Myths Busted!

I'll say it, meditation is hugely misunderstood. So I'd love to know what you think about the whole hippie vibes thing and silencing your mind. Maybe you think you're fine and don't need it or that you're too busy.

I'd love to know what you think or whether you have something else that's holding you back. Comment below or email me, I'm happy to answer your questions.

But let's get myth busting and see if you could create time and headspace for meditation. Do you want to know how to stay calm you when anxiety strikes? Or maybe you can find some calm in a sea of problems.

Myths 101

  • I've tried it and it didn't work - Yep there’s loads of info out there saying it curea this and solve that but can you blame a tool? Has trying once and hoping for the best ever worked for you?

  • The biggest myth is that you have to silence your mind. Nope! Unless you're truly dedicated to meditate this won't be you but it can be an amazing for quieting your mind, with practise.

  • Being too busy is contradictory but I hear you! Did you know this though, stress ages you? It is hard to find time to chill but meditation is one activity where you’ll get back the time you put in.

  • We all say we're fine, even when we're not, you know it! But meditation has more restorative effects than sleep and it releases feel good hormones. Maybe it's just worth a chance.

  • Meditation may seem like hippie nonsense, even though it's practised in many religions. Some meditation types are full on but when there's medical proof it helps, maybe we need a rethink.

The Takeaway

Some of these points may have been surprising and not even have crossed your mind when you've thought of meditation. If you have chronic pain, mental illness or everyday stress this really can change your life!

I can meditate with high pain levels, about the same level as giving birth, so this is achievable for you. If you're craving five minutes peace or need help to get to/a good night's sleep (new baby excluded), this will help.

Once you've built up some practise, meditation can give you the headspace to reflect and consider how well you’re taking care of yourself and remember what’s important to focus on. It will give you time to de-stress.

The myths that hold people back are just that. Instead, think of meditation as equipping yourself with tools and techniques to deal with the stresses of life. You can even use it to teach your kids for their own self care.

In the free guide I suggest using an amazing app called Headspace. If you like it but need an extra push to get you started then try out these book recommendations to support your journey towards improved health, happiness and well being, in as little as 10 minutes.

Stay safe, Laura 💜

P.S. I hope that whatever you felt about meditation before reading this, you’re ready to give it a go yourself. If you just nodded then you need my Meditation Freebie for more top tips and links to my favourite guided meditations.

To grab it, sign up to my new newsletter below for exclusive offers, freebies and the lifestyle lowdown. Oh and I promise to only show up your inbox when I’ve something to say. Or head to this link and add your details.

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10 Wonderful Ways To Celebrate Mother’s Day At Home


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